Law:Royal Decree 00019
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Martian Homesteading Scheme
As human space exploration ramps up after an extended period of stagnation, it's important the Principality exploit its available interplanetary resources for the benefit of its citizens and civilization. The obvious first step is the further development of our oldest extraterrestrial territory, Olympus Mons Colony, but as permanent, large scale human settlement on Mars or any other non-Earth rocky planet is not in the long term plans of the Pillow Fortress, other means of generating economic value from our Martian colony must be considered. To this end, the Martian Homesteading Scheme is hereby established.
The Martian Homesteading Scheme is a welfare program, to be activated if and when it is materially and economically feasible for the Principality to do so, whereby all Pillowans shall be granted, free of charge and by right of citizenship, a plot of Martian territory within the Olympus Mons Colony equal to no less than nine (9) square acres of land, to do with as they please, subject to Fortressian law. An initial allocation of 85% of all land in the Olympus Mons Colony not previously set aside for conservation is to be made available for this purpose, with additional allocations possible if deemed necessary.
The Martian Homesteading Scheme is not intended to supersede any other welfare scheme, nor is it intended to be perpetual, and will end either when all available plots have been granted, or circumstances necessitate its termination.
Restrictions and Regulations
In order that the benefits of the Martian Homesteading Scheme accrue primarily and overwhelmingly to the Principality and its citizens, the following restrictions on economic activity regarding the sale, lease, trading, renting, etc. of Martian land are established:
- 1. Martian land may only be bought and sold among Pillowans.
- 2. Martian land may be rented or leased to subjects and other non-citizens only for fixed, finite terms subject to unconditional renegotiation every twelve years.
- 3. Martian land may not be inherited by non-citizens, with all such plots reverting to government control and to be made available for future grant under the scheme.
- 4. All transactions involving Martian land (buying, selling, renting, leasing, subletting, developing, etc.), regardless of if any of the parties are Pillowans, must be done using the Principality's own currency, or a currency explicitly deemed acceptable by the Principality.
- 5. Renunciation of Fortressian citizenship will automatically result in the forfeiture of any and all Martian land, regardless of if said land was obtained through grant, purchase, gift, or any other means.
Additional restrictions and regulations on the use of Martian land may be established by either the Directory, the Throne, or by any government organ granted the power to establish such restrictions and regulations by either the Directory or the Throne.
The Martian Homesteading Scheme is hereby placed under the authority of the Colonial Development Section of the Territory Development Branch of the Department of Territory.
Her Majesty, First Princess Julia Platz-Halter
6 ZVI 4
23 AUG 22