Library of the Pillow Fortress
The Library of the Pillow Fortress is an independent agency under the authority of the Department of Culture which manages the Principality's state owned state operated libraries.
State Library Network
The State Library Network consists of the Pillow Fortress's state owned state operated libraries, specifically, local lending libraries.
Office of the Chief Librarian
The Office of the Chief Librarian is the main organ through which the agency is run day-to-day.
Project Alexandria
Project Alexandria is an attempt to digitize and archive all media relating to the Principality.
Project Treasure Trove
Project Treasure Trove is an attempt to create high resolution 3D models of objects of historical significance to the Principality.
Provincial and Local Libraries Section
The Provincial and Local Libraries Section oversees the state's lending libraries.
Special Purpose Library Coordination Section
The Special Library Coordination Section coordinates public libraries with state owned and state operated libraries which operate outside the Library of the Pillow Fortress, such as those associated with departments or other agencies.
University Library Coordination Section
The University Library Coordination Section coordinates public lending libraries with their university counterparts for the fast and efficient exchange of books and other media.