Typical Field Operation Agency Framework
The Typical Field Operation Agency Framework is a suite of field operation agencies (FOAs) which exist within all the different orders of the Platinum Band, with some exceptions. FOAs are non-combatant organizations which serve their order in various support roles.
X Doctrine and Training Agency
The X Doctrine and Training Agency develops the order's combat and operational doctrines while also training its recruits.
X Medical Operations Agency
The X Medical Operations Agency trains and staffs medical personnel to be embedded within units of the order, and who are specifically trained in handling those medical emergencies and issues that may be more prevalent within the order as opposed to the others. The Order of the Army and the Order of the Cyber Force share a medical operations agency.
X Materiel Agency
The X Materiel Agency is responsible for the acquisition and maintenance of the order's equipment.
X Nutrition and Morale Agency
The X Nutrition and Morale Agency provides meals to and maintains the morale of its order.
X Recruiting Agency
The X Recruiting Agency recruits civilians into the order during times when there is no conscription.
X Uniform and Awards Agency
The X Uniform and Awards Agency designs the orders uniforms and establishes its awards, decorations, and traditions.