Law:Royal Decree 00003

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Note This entry consists of the verbatim text of a law formatted for view on the wiki.

Defining the Secular Nature of the Principality

The Principality of the Pillow Fortress, when acting in its official capacity, and in accordance with its secular nature as laid out in the constitution, is explicitly apatheist with regards to any and all questions of theology. As far as the Principality is concerned, it does not matter whether or not any given god(s) exist or if in some ultimate sense one religious practice or doctrine is more correct than another religious practice or doctrine. The Pillow Fortress will act as it does regardless of the truth value of any theological claim, idea, or concept.

This official stance of state apatheism shall not prevent the regulation or prohibition of certain religious practices that cause unacceptable levels of harm to either individuals, groups, or the Principality itself.


Her Majesty, First Princess Julia Platz-Halter

14 DEC 0/2018