Law:Royal Decree 00023
- This entry consists of the verbatim text of a law formatted for view on the wiki.
Development of Fortressian Culture
The Department of Culture, in consultation with the Department of Education and other government organs as directed by the Princess, is hereby tasked with the proactive development of Fortressian culture through the creation of art and mass media (content). These efforts are to be organized under the auspices of a new project, "Project C", operating under the following guidelines:
- Content should be both wide, across multiple mediums and genres; and deep, having multiple variations within mediums and genres.
- Content should at all times reflect Fortressian values.
- Content created by Project C is not to be treated as in any way superior to content created by private Fortressian citizens.
- Content need not concern itself with Fortressian civics, or even mention or reference the Pillow Fortress.
Project C is to be ongoing with no scheduled end, but only to cease when circumstances necessitate its replacement or cancellation. Every five years Project C is to receive independent review of its efficacy and quality of output, with such findings delivered to the Council of State and to the Princess.
Her Majesty, First Princess Julia Platz-Halter
8 MOA 5
3 MAR 2023