Law:Royal Decree 00018

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Establishment of the FSSGR-TTE

In order to better administer the Principality's territorial claims located off the planet Earth in outer space, the Fortressian Sol System Governing Regime - Terrestrial Territories Excluded (FSSGR-TTE) is hereby established as an umbrella organization consisting of the following administrative divisions, governments, agencies, organizations, and SOSO businesses which may be necessary for the maintenance and development of the Pillow Fortress's territories located off the planet Earth in outer space. Any listed entities which did not exist prior to the promulgation of this royal decree are also established:

1. Colonies and Colonial Claims:
1.1. Proxima Sol Economic Zone
1.2. Morning Star Colony
1.3. Clair de Lune Colony
1.4. The Lagrangian Archipelagos:
1.4.1. L1 Archipelago
1.4.2. L2 Archipelago
1.4.3. L3 Archipelago
1.4.4. L4 Archipelago
1.4.5. L5 Archipelago
1.5. Olympus Mons Colony
1.6. Helium Shores Colony
1.7. New Byrd Land Colony
1.8. Hades Colony
1.9. Cherubim's Glory Colony
1.10. Alter-Pacifica Colony
1.11. Sideways Colony
1.12. Alter-Atlantica Colony
2. Commissions:
2.1. Space Culture Commission
2.2. Space Economics Research Commission
2.3. Space Health and Habitat Commission
2.4. Space Infrastructure and Transport Commission
2.5. Space Law Commission
3. SOSO Businesses:
3.1. Ariel Heavy Space Industries
3.2. Miranda Heavy Space Industries
3.3. Oberon Heavy Space Industries
3.4. Puck Heavy Space Industries
3.5. Titania Heavy Space Industries
3.6. Umbriel Heavy Space Industries
4. Usage Authorities:
4.1. Fortressian Asteroid Belt Authority
4.2. Fortressian Kuiper Belt Authority
4.3. Fortressian Scattered Disc Authority
4.4. Fortressian Oort Cloud Authority

All above entities of the FSSGR-TTE are under the authority of their respective Throne departments or other government organs as they may be assigned, with the exception of the following organizations which are to be under the authority of a newly created bureau within the Office of the Princess, the FSSGR-TTE Bureau:

1. Outer Space Steering Committee, which shall, in place of a single office holder, coordinate and direct the FSSGR-TTE
2. Outer Space Conservation Committee, which shall be appointed by the FSSGR-TTE Steering Committee and determine what, if any, parts of the Principality's outer space claims are to be free from future development in the manner of a traditional nature preserve
3. Far Future Society - Frontiers Campus, which shall research and theorize the Principality's future in space and determine the best means by which it may achieve interplanetary, interstellar, intra-galactic, and intergalactic civilization and beyond
4. Extraterrestrial Messaging and Contact Agency, which shall search for signs of extraterrestrial life as well as devise and implement means of communicating and broadcasting the Principality's location to any extraterrestrial civilizations which may exist

Further more, the Pillow Fortress Space Exploration Administration is hereby divided into two separate independent agencies:

1. Pillow Fortress Space Exploration Administration, which shall focus on near Earth space science and exploration, with what tools are available now and are likely to be available in the near future
2. Pillow Fortress Space Research Administration, which shall focus on long term solutions to the Principality's settlement and exploitation of its territorial claims located off the planet Earth in outer space

And lastly, the following committees shall be established in the Directory to provide oversight and guidance to the FSSGR-TTE and its component organs:

1. Outer Space Economics Committee, of the Council of Labor
2. Outer Space General Development Committee, of the Council of State
3. Outer Space Settlement Committee, of the Council of Territory
4. Joint Outer Space Committee, of the Directory as a whole


Her Majesty, First Princess Julia Platz-Halter

19 BAS 4

27 JUN 22