Land Use and Allocation Branch
The Land Use and Allocation Branch of the Department of the Interior manages the Principality's lands, with the exception of those under the authority of the Department of Defense and the personal holdings of the Princess. All land in the Pillow Fortress is owned by the government in perpetuity, and is only ever leased for finite periods of time and for specific purposes.
Office of the Undersecretary of Land Use and Allocation
The Office of the Undersecretary of Land Use and Allocation is the main organ through which the branch is run day-to-day.
Citizen Lands Section
The Citizen Lands Section leases Fortressian land to private citizens for a variety of purposes, such as residential and commercial.
Government Lands Section
The Government Lands Section leases Fortressian land to other organs of the Principality's government.
Public Lands Section
The Public Lands Section allocates Fortressian land for the use and development of the public.