Law:Inter-Royal Collective Defense Treaty

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Lawbook2.png This entry consists of the verbatim text of a law formatted for view on the wiki.

Inter-Royal Collective Defense Treaty


The signatory monarchies, reaffirming their commitment to mutual defense, cooperation, and the preservation of monarchical governance, hereby establish the Inter-Royal Collective Defense Treaty. This Treaty seeks to uphold the dignity, stability, and sovereignty of monarchies worldwide, addressing unique challenges faced by such states in a modern geopolitical landscape.


Article I: Membership Criteria Membership in this Treaty is exclusively open to sovereign states that are recognized monarchies.

Article II: Establishment of the Inter-Royal Collective Defense This Treaty establishes the Inter-Royal Collective Defense (IRCD) as an organization wherein its members are collectively responsible for addressing the Treaty's objectives and principles.

Article III: Mutual Defense Obligations The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them shall be considered an attack against them all. Consequently, they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking action as deemed necessary to restore and maintain the security of the monarchial states.

Article IV: Definition of an Attack For the purposes of this Treaty, an armed attack is defined as an overt act of aggression towards a member state by a non-member state, which compromises the territorial integrity, political independence, or security of the attacked state.

Article V: Consultations Below Mutual Defense The Parties agree to consult together whenever the territorial integrity, political independence, or security of any of the Parties is threatened at a level that does not necessarily trigger the mutual defense clause. This is to ensure a coordinated response and to maintain regional stability and security.

Article VI: Response to Insurrection In cases of anti-monarchical insurrection or rebellion within a member state, other members may intervene at their discretion. Such intervention does not carry the mandatory collective defense response triggered by external aggression.

Article VII: Legal Abolishment of Monarchy If a member state's monarchy is abolished through legal means within that state's laws, this shall not be considered a rebellion or insurrection. Consequently, the state will exit the Treaty without triggering mutual defense obligations.

Article VIII: Illegal Abolishment of Monarchy In the event a member state’s monarchy is abolished illegally, that state will be expelled from the Treaty. Remaining members agree to impose stringent economic sanctions, including potential embargoes and blockades, until the monarchy is restored or the new regime makes amends as determined by member states.

Article IX: Support for Deposed Monarchs Member states agree to provide for the livelihoods of former monarchical rulers and their families, who have been removed due to legal processes or rebellion. Support shall be sufficient to maintain a standard of living befitting royalty.

Article X: Deposition of Monarchy If the monarchy of a member state is deposed or legally abolished, that state shall cease to be a member of this Treaty.

Article XI: Duration of Monarchy A member state that remains without a reigning monarch for over 20 years will lose its membership status.

Article XII: Admission of New Members New members may be admitted to this Treaty upon unanimous agreement of the existing members. The prospective member must be a recognized monarchy and commit to the principles and obligations of the Treaty.

Article XIII: Voluntary Withdrawal A member state may withdraw from the Treaty by providing formal notice to the Exterior Bureau of the Pillow Fortress. The withdrawal shall become effective one year after the notice is received.

Article XIV: Ratification and Entry into Force This Treaty is subject to ratification by the signatory states in accordance with their respective constitutional processes. The Treaty shall enter into force upon the deposit of ratification instruments by the signatory states with the Exterior Bureau of the Pillow Fortress.