State Housing Scheme

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The State Housing Scheme is a welfare scheme operated by the Department of Housing & Urban Development which seeks to provide housing to all Fortressian citizens.

State Housing Framework

The State Housing Scheme and all its provisions are extremely complex, but in as simple terms as possible, every citizen, upon either reaching the age of majority or attaining citizenship, is issued a housing voucher. Each housing voucher is tied to a specific residence in a specific location. Vouchers can be "upgraded" depending on the changing living arrangements of the individual to which it was issued, though no individual may have more than one housing voucher, and housing vouchers cannot be bought, sold, rented, or leased, but they can be traded.

The exact location and type of housing are not random, but determined prior to issue. Typically, the size of the residence is based on the likely co-habitants and dependents of the individual. For example, a lone individual will likely be issued a small apartment, while couples may receive a large apartment, and those with large families receiving standalone houses. As for location, best practices are to issue children residences within no more than two hours public transit from that of their parent's in order to foster deep intergenerational ties to strengthen communities. School and employment are also taken into account when issuing vouchers, as well as general desire, though obviously it's not possible for everyone to live in the same town, city, or settlement.