Department of Intra-Governmental Affairs
The Department of Intra-Governmental Affairs serves to mitigate and diffuse intra-governmental conflicts. Its secretary is recommended by the Council of State.
The Department of Intra-Governmental adheres to the Typical Organization Framework in addition to the following components:
Civil Service Management Branch
The Civil Service Management Branch crafts the overall human resources policy of the civil service, as well as creating guidelines for hiring, firing, and training personnel.
Governmental Entities Dispute Resolution Branch
The Governmental Entities Dispute Resolution Branch studies the government's internal structure and day-to-day workings to determine areas in which two or more governmental entities might come into conflict, and makes recommendations for how these might be avoided. Should an unforeseen intra-governmental conflict occur, the branch investigates the causes, and similarly makes recommendations to either the Princess, Throne, or Directory as to its amicable end.
Intra-Governmental Protocol Branch
The Intra-Governmental Protocol Branch creates and maintains standards and protocols the various government organizations and entities use for communication and identification, as well as determining the order of precedence.
Independent Agencies
Future Government Center
The Future Government Center studies ongoing trends in organizing and envisions mid to long term policy for the shape and function of the Principality's government.
The Department of Intra-Governmental Affairs has three offices:
Office of the Secretary of Intra-Governmental Affairs
The Office of the Secretary of Intra-Governmental Affairs consists of the Secretary of Intra-Governmental Affairs and their support staff. It is the main organ through which the department is managed on the day-to-day level.
Office of the Undersecretary of Administration, Department of Intra-Governmental Affairs
The Office of the Undersecretary of Administration, Department of Intra-Governmental Affairs is responsible for all those organizational components of the department which fall under the TOF.
Office of the Undersecretary of SOSO Businesses, Department of Intra-Governmental Affairs
The Office of the Undersecretary of SOSO Businesses, Department of Intra-Governmental Affairs is responsible for overseeing the various state owned state operated businesses subordinate to the department.
Civil Service Background Check Service
The Civil Service Background Check Service conducts background checks on prospective members of the civil service, excluding certain top secret clearances which are managed by the Pillow Fortress Intelligence Community.
SOSO Businesses
Consulting Strong
Consulting Strong is one of two consulting firms which serve the Fortressian government. It maintains a critical distance from its clients so that it can give detached, neutral, and objective advice.
Government Kitsch and Merchandise Corporation
The Government Kitsch and Merchandise Corporation produces branded novelty and promotional items for the government and its various organizations and agencies upon request. Such items include, but are not limited to, cups, mugs, posters, playing cards, non-uniform and non-essential clothing, figurines, placemats, collectibles, and challenge coins.
Interested Insider
Interested Insider produces various media relating to the internal workings of the government for its subscribers, functioning somewhat like an exclusive club, with members receiving content that is not widely available, including promotional novelty items when appropriate.
Securalonix provides security for government agencies and organizations, including patrols for facilities and body guards for individuals. It has one fully owned subsidiary, Custodiax, which provides custodial and janitorial services to the government.
Vista Oak Edge
Vista Oak Edge is the second of two consulting firms which serve the Fortressian government. The purpose of having two separate consulting firms is to prevent the formation of a monoculture by allowing each to develop independently, and thus having different solutions and advice to give to clients.