Combined Operations Headquarters

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Combined Operations Headquarters (COHQ) is the high level command and control structure of the Platinum Band. It has no central authority, instead being divided into various Combined Military Commands which conduct the business of war fighting, and a committee which advises the Secretary of Defense and the Princess regarding military matters.

Combined Military Commands

Continuity of Government Command

The Continuity of Government Command (XCOGCOM) manages the military component of the Principality's overall continuity of government contingency plans, working closely with its civilian counterpart in the Emergency Management Organization.

Domestic Command

The Domestic Command (XDOMCOM) oversees all units stationed within the territory of the Pillow Fortress for the defense of the state.

Foreign Command

The Foreign Command (XFORCOM) oversees all units stationed in foreign states.

Logistics Command

The Logistics Command (XLOGCOM) manages the military component of the Pillow Fortress Armed Forces' logistics trains, working closely with the Defense Logistics Branch of the Department of Defense.

Special Operations Command

The Special Operations Command (XSOCOM) oversees the use of the Platinum Band's special forces units.


Combined Operations Staff Committee

The Combined Operations Staff Committee (COSC) advises the Princess and the Secretary of Defense on military matters. It consists of the highest ranking officer from each of the orders of the Platinum Band. Membership rotates frequently, as well as which order's officer holds the position of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. The Combined Operations Staff Committee does not have operational control over units of the Pillow Fortress Armed Forces.