Law:Royal Decree 00022

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Lawbook2.png This entry consists of the verbatim text of a law formatted for view on the wiki.

Regarding the Promulgation of Classified Royal Decrees

Because the timing of a classified royal decree may hint at its contents and thereby negate the reason for its classification, all subsequent classified royal decrees need not be acknowledged publicly in any capacity whatsoever for the duration of their classified status, but shall come into force after a committee of state defense and security is notified, nor shall they be numbered along with non-classified royal decrees, but having their own method of number/naming that does not hint at the total number of classified royal decrees or their ordinality. To fulfill this obligation to notify, Her Majesty's Defense Committee is hereby removed from Her Majesty's Court, renamed the Fortressian Defense and Security Committee, and placed within the Throne, and subordinated to the Princess with oversight from the Cabinet.

Nothing in this royal decree alters those classified decrees already promulgated.


Her Majesty, First Princess Julia Platz-Halter

17 POR 5

5 FEB 2023