Policy:Cognitive Dynamism
Cognitive Dynamism refers to the Pillow Fortress's intention to increase its resilience, flexibility, and innovation by incorporating into itself non-human forms of intelligence. While human intelligence is, as far as we know, the most sophisticated kind of intelligence, it is subject to biases and limitations that are ingrained and not easily overcome. It's hypothesized that different mental schemas arising outside Homo Sapiens Sapiens will, though subject to their own biases and limitations, be able to augment human intelligence and in turn be augmented by it, thus overcoming limitations in novel ways that may not be apparent to humans working alone. Cognitive dynamism should therefor grant the Principality a greater ability to manage and confront crises while also out competing rivals, thereby more readily achieving its aims.
The Dominion of Corvus and the granting of citizenship to artificial intelligences are two examples of this policy in action, however more are in their initial planning phases, including the potential resurrection of the Neanderthals.