Dominion of Corvus

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Dominion of Corvus
Flag of the Dominion of Corvus.png
Form Client Non-State Entity
Short Name Corvus
Abbreviation DC
Adjective Corvid
Demonym Corvid
Established October 30, 3/2021
Population 0
Government Corvus Section
Head of Government n/a
Armed Forces n/a
Motto n/a

The Dominion of Corvus is a client non-state entity of the Pillow Fortress which is legally defined as consisting of all individual members of all the various species within the genus Corvus which are either within the physical territory of the Principality or are otherwise subject to the authority of the Principality. The purpose of establishing such an entity is twofold:

  • Generally, as an example and template for how client non-state entities may exist in the future.
  • Specifically, as an attempt to incorporate a fundamentally non-human intelligence into the larger framework of the Pillow Fortress.

The choice of the genus Corvus was not arbitrary, but rather due to advantages it has over the two other candidates for clienthood:

  • Cetaceans, though highly intelligent, are aquatic creatures, and while it's possible the Pillow Fortress may acquire territory on the oceans through seasteading, its unlikely that there would be any meaningful interaction between the Principality and its client entity.
  • Non-human hominids are unsuitable for two reasons. While they live on land, they are also extremely rare, thus limiting the likely chances of meaningful interaction. Additionally, being so closely related to humans, it can be generally inferred that, in the grand scheme of things, their intelligence is probably similar to human intelligence in terms of process and organization. As one of the purposes of the client entity is to incorporate specifically non-human intelligence, it's best to select such from as far away from the great apes in general due to our recent common descent.

Members of the genus Corvus solve all of these problems:

  • Not only are they land dwelling, they exist plentifully and on most of Earth's continents.
  • The last common ancestor of birds and mammals existed an estimated 330 million years ago, meaning that the intelligences of Corvus and Hominidae developed according to vastly different circumstances, and are thus likely different enough that members of the genus Corvus are sufficient examples of non-human intelligence.

There are currently no plans to establish additional client entities for any other species or genus of non-human animal.

Protections and Benefits

Membership in the Dominion grants special protections which may go above and beyond those which are part of generalized animal welfare policy, and, unlike policy, could only be changed through renegotiation of the relationship between the Principality and its client entity. These protections include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  • Prohibition against being hunted
  • Prohibitions against being bred and raised as food, or eaten more generally
  • Prohibition against the destruction of habitat beyond what may be necessary to secure a high standard of living for both the Dominion's members and Pillowans
  • Protection during times of war and conflict

Additionally, the Principality will, as far as is feasible, set aside territory specifically for the habitat of the Dominion, the use of which by non-members being governed by the relationship between the Pillow Fortress and its client entity.