Symbols of the Principality of the Pillow Fortress

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The Principality of the Pillow Fortress represents itself and its various organs and aspects through a variety of different symbols. Chief among these are its various flags, however this page is for the discussion of all non-vexillological symbols.

Coats of Arms

First Provisional Coat of Arms

The First Provisional Coat of Arms of the Principality of the Pillow Fortress was established shortly after and modeled on the state flag. It was never intended to be the final design, but remained in use for much of the early history of the Principality.

First Provisional Coat of Arms

Second Provisional Coat of Arms

The Second Provisional Coat of Arms of the Principality of the Pillow Fortress is the current coat of arms of the Principality, being more evocative of the idea of a fortress than the previous one. It too is provisional, to be replaced at a future date with another, presumably final design which shall incorporate most if not all features of a proper coat of arms.

Second Provisional Coat of Arms


The official motto of the Principality is "Auctus Pro Se", or, rendered in English, "Development For The Sake of Development". This is a reference to the policy of State and Wait which is responsible for the Pillow Fortress's highly complex system of government.