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Libertine Party flag
Libertine Party flag
Motto n/a
Responsibility Highest level Party leadership
Form Committee
Estate Fifth Estate
Subordinate to Libertine Party
Established March 3, 0/2018
Status Deactivated
Abbreviation n/a

The Politburo is the executive committee of the Libertine Party. It manages the affairs of the Party, with its members running it day-to-day, as well as providing oversight to the Party's various subordinate and affiliated organizations. The head of the Politburo is the Party Secretary, a position always held by the Princess. For most of the Party's operations, the Deputy Party Secretary leads the Politburo in the Party Secretary's stead.


The Politburo consists of the Party Secretary, the Deputy Party Secretary, and the heads of the various Party branches.


Current Politburo

1st Politburo

Past Politburos

0th Politburo

Politburo Elections

All members of the Politburo, except the Party Secretary and the Deputy Party Secretary, are elected at the close of each Libertine Congress, and serve terms lasting from one congress to the next. Should there be a vacancy in membership, perhaps due to a resignation or expulsion from the Party, the Party Secretary has the power to make temporary appointments.

Politburo Directives

The Politburo may issue directives establishing Party policy or setting a course of action or official opinion on a given subject, so long as the content of the directive doesn't conflict with the Party's constitution or bylaws, or advocate the violation of Fortressian law.

List of Politburo Directives

Directives of the 0th Politburo

Politburo Directive 00001 Development of Party Culture