Constitution and Bylaws of the Libertine Party

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The form, function, rules, and internal structures and mechanisms of the Libertine Party are governed first and foremost by the Party's constitution, and supplemented by additional regulations in the form of bylaws binding on the Party, its organizations, and its members, provided the individual bylaws do not contradict the constitution. Together these form a set of operating procedures and codes of conduct that, while having no legal standing outside the Party, ensure the Party maintains its ability to function as the leadership of the Principality and guarantor of its values and purpose.

Party Constitution

See Law:Constitution of the Libertine Party

Written by the first Party Secretary, the Party constitution is based on the Constitution of the Pillow Fortress, sharing similar formatting, language, and philosophy, leaving as much to devolved bylaw as possible so as to not necessitate constant revision and amendment.


A short preamble establishes the constitution as being the founding and supreme document of the same Libertine Party recognized in the Constitution of the Year I as the Pillow Fortress's sole legitimate political party.

Chapter I: Ideology

The guiding ideologies of the Party are presented in a way that is both explicit and vague. Monarchism, socialism, egalitarianism, social justice, and transhumanism, are mentioned by name, but with little elaboration specifying the exact form of those ideologies. This allows the Party to experiment in their implementation, and not be shackled to a single interpretation. Indeed, the Party is also called to develop these ideas further to improve upon them.

Chapter II: Party Secretary

The position of Party Secretary is given to the reigning Princess, along with the ability to delegate her powers to the Deputy Secretary.

Chapter III: Deputy Secretary

The position of Deputy Secretary is established as serving at the discretion of the Party Secretary, being chosen by her and receiving those powers granted by the Party Secretary.

Chapter IV: Politburo

The heads of the various Party branches are organized into the Politburo which serves as the executive committee of the Party, directing and setting policy.

Chapter V: Libertine Congress

The longest chapter in the constitution, Chapter V establishes the Libertine Congress as a regular gathering of Party delegates occurring every six years. The Congress appoints members to the Politburo, amends the Party constitution, and may add, subtract, or modify Party bylaws. Voting delegations are either from local Party chapters or from one of five recognized Party factions specifically defined by the constitution. The rest of the chapter is concerned with the minutiae of running a Party Congress, including provisions for emergency sessions and allowing for teleconferencing should circumstances prevent in-person meetings.

Chapter VI: Membership

The basic criteria for Party membership are established, and the power is granted to set additional requirements in bylaw if necessary. Ideologies incompatible with the Party, and thus disqualifying their holders from membership, are listed. These include anti-monarchism, anarchism, fascism, and luddism. The membership oath is also included in this chapter.

Chapter VII: Party Chapters

The system of local party chapters is established.

Chapter VIII: Party Elections

For any position within the Party which is not appointed, intra-Party elections are the method of selecting members to fill them. The exact form Party elections are to take is left to be defined in bylaw.

Chapter IX: Fortressian Appointments and Elections

Criteria are established for how members of the Party may be appointed or elected to offices and positions within the Fortressian government, with harsh penalties for members who run in elections when not authorized to do so.

Chapter X: Party Institutions, Organizations, and Conduct

This chapter contains a few miscellaneous points which did not otherwise fit into the rest of the constitution. Firstly, the Party is granted the power to establish independent yet subordinate organizations, businesses, and any other entity necessary for its functioning. Secondly, with the exception of commissars embedded in the Pillow Fortress Armed Forces and in law enforcement, the Party is explicitly demilitarized and forbidden from using military style ranks and weapons. Lastly, the use of uniforms outside of certain contexts, such as for students at Party academies, sporting teams, and bands, is forbidden.

Chapter XI: Foreign Libertine Parties

The Party is granted the ability, subject to approval by the Fortressian government, to establish libertine political parties in foreign states, and to provide support to those parties and to parties which may be aligned with the Party ideologically. The Party's obligations to the Pillow Fortress remain paramount, however.

Chapter XII: Notice of Amendment

Whenever the Party constitution is amended it is to be noted by modifying the last article of this chapter to include the date and under which Libertine Congress the amendment was made.


Bylaws are the binding regulations that govern the day-to-day operation, conduct, and policy of the Party. They may be provisionally modified by consensus decision of the Politburo, subject to final codification by the Libertine Congress.