Fortressian History
Fortressian History is the totality of the history of the Principality of the Pillow Fortress, from its earliest antecedents as various fictional worldbuilding projects through its immediate prehistory and planning phases up to its independence and through to the present day. Much of the earliest historical documents are lost due to poor record keeping, and even up until the founding of the Pillow Fortress Wiki many of the specific dates of important events are also unknown and must be reconstructed.
Archaic Prehistory
The Archaic Period of Fortressian Prehistory consists of all the worldbuilding and state building projects undertaken by the First Princess beginning in her youth and continuing off and on in different forms until adulthood. This period, lasting about twenty years, is archaic because no records or documents or items associated with these projects survive into the present, and so the First Princess's memory is the only guide, and since human memory is fallible and finite, its impossible to retrieve a 100% accurate accounting of this time, nor determine just what influences each worldbuilding project had on the next, and which if any have been carried on to the Pillow Fortress.
From the best of her recollection, these projects by the First Princess generally followed closely in form and function with both her intellectual development as a human being and her political understanding, with the earliest being purely fantastical, apolitical early childhood creations, through to conservative republics, libertarian minarchist associations and plans to revive the Republic of Minerva, to liberal democracies, to Soviet-style communist states. While the First Princess was aware of micronations during much of this period, none of these worldbuilding projects ever reached that level of development.