Autonomous Government
Much like the arrangement between the Principality and its client states, when an occupancy is converted into an autonomy, the Pillow Fortress maintains some level of oversight through a civilian autonomous government which has authority over the collaborationist government.
General branches
X Inspections Branch
The X Inspections Branch carries out inspections, both scheduled and randomized, across the collaborationist government to ensure its remaining loyalty to the Principality.
Oversight branches
X Defense Oversight Branch
The X Defense Oversight Branch assists with the training, equipping, and morale boosting of military and paramilitary units organized under the authority of the collaborationist government.
X Economic Oversight Branch
The X Economic Oversight Branch assists with the establishment and maintenance of a stable and functioning internal economy within the autonomy.
X Health Oversight Branch
The X Health Oversight Branch assists with civilian healthcare policy.
X Infrastructure Oversight Branch
The X Infrastructure Oversight Branch assists with the planning and development of vital infrastructure within the autonomy.
X Security Oversight Branch
The X Security Oversight Branch assists with the enforcement of the collaborationist government's laws on its civilian population.
Office of the X Autonomy Inspector General
The Office of the X Autonomy Inspector General investigates the organization for corruption, incompetence, and malfeasance.
Office of the X Supervisor
The Office of the X Supervisor is the main organ through which the government is run day-to-day.
X Autonomy Staff
The X Autonomy Staff is the commanding unit of any remaining Pillow Fortress Armed Forces personnel.
Xth X Assistance Unit
The Xth X Assistance Unit provides additional support to local military and paramilitary units in defense of the autonomy and its collaborationist government.
Xth X Intelligence Unit
The Xth X Intelligence Unit is the remains of the larger occupational X Intelligence Command which persists within the autonomy to collect and disseminate intelligence, both to the collaborationist government and to the PFAF and the Pillow Fortress Intelligence Community as needed.