Foreign Party Coordination Branch

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Foreign Party Coordination Branch
Libertine Party flag
Libertine Party flag
Motto n/a
Responsibility Party-to-party relationships
Form Branch
Estate Fifth Estate
Subordinate to Libertine Party
Established May 5, 2/2020
Status Deactivated
Abbreviation n/a

The Foreign Party Coordination Branch manages the party-to-party relationships between the Libertine Party and any foreign political party which is ideologically, materially, or politically aligned with it.


Foreign Party Recommendation Committee

The Foreign Party Recommendation Committee investigates the benefits and feasibility of working with any given foreign political party and presents its findings to the Politburo for consideration.


Office of the Chief of Foreign Party Coordination

The Office of the Chief of Foreign Party Coordination is the main organ through which the branch is run day-to-day.


Inter-Party Communications Section

The Inter-Party Communications Section maintains contact between the Libertine Party and foreign parties.

Inter-Party Personnel Exchange Section

The Inter-Party Personnel Exchange Section manages the Party's personnel exchange programs, which seek to increase inter-party understanding, as well as gain experience and direct knowledge of the inner workings of other parties.


Foreign Party Affiliation Registry

The Foreign Party Affiliation Registry is the official list of all foreign parties with which the Libertine Party maintains relationships.


Foreign Party Fact Finding Taskforces

Foreign Party Fact Finding Taskforces are ad hoc groups assembled on the advice of the Foreign Party Recommendation Committee which carry out the "boots on the ground" investigation of foreign parties, meeting with party leaders and rank and file members, observing their operations, etc.