Pillow Fortress Waste Disposal Company
Pillow Fortress Waste Disposal Company | |
Public Services flag | |
Motto | n/a |
Responsibility | Trash collection |
Form | SOSO business |
Estate | Executive |
Subordinate to | Department of Public Services |
Established | January 10, 1/2019 |
Status | Deactivated |
Abbreviation | PFWDC |
The Pillow Fortress Waste Disposal Company is a state owned state operated (SOSO) business under the authority of the Department of Public Services which is responsible for the weekly pickup of garbage throughout the Principality, as well as operating a network of dumps and recycling centers.
Non-Recyclable Waste Branch
The Non-Recyclable Waste Branch oversees the disposal of waste material which cannot be recycled or reused.
Public Education on Waste Branch
The Public Education on Waste Branch informs the public as to what items can and cannot be recycled, as well as other things relating to the proper disposal of waste.
Recyclable Waste Branch
The Recyclable Waste Branch oversees the recycle and reuse of waste.
Residential Trash Removal Branch
The Residential Trash Removal Branch coordinates the weekly pickup of garbage throughout the Principality.
Dump and Recycling Center Network
The Dump and Recycling Center Network consists of all such locations owned by the business.
Special Trash Pickup Service
The Special Trash Pickup Service handles the disposal of irregular items which for whatever reason are beyond the scope of standard waste removal procedures.