State Charter

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For the text of the State Charter, see Law:State Charter

The State Charter of the Principality of the Pillow Fortress (State Charter) is the supreme law of the Principality, defining its core characteristics which are not to be changed under any circumstances. As such, the State Charter may only be modified by its original author, the First Princess, and will become closed to further edits upon her death, abdication, or permanent incapacitation.

Features of the Principality established in the State Charter include its independence and sovereignty, name, monarchy, protected classes, rights and freedoms, social contract, and role of the citizen. The State Charter also empowers the Princess to establish a government, but does not do so itself.



The first three articles are devoted to establishing the Principality and defining for it certain traits which are to be immutable and eternal, such as its monarchical form. The title of First Princess is created and bestowed to the Charter's author, Julia Platz-Halter.


The First Princess makes a series of eight promises with regards to the governance of the Pillow Fortress, the first six of which are guarantees of things like equality under the law, personal liberty, economic justice, and the permanency of citizenship. The final two promises are made by the First Princess on behalf of her and all future Princesses to establish a government that can fulfill the First Princess's promises and to maintain that government, replacing it if necessary.

Social Contract

The Charter establishes an explicit social contract between the Principality and its citizens whereby in exchange for the continued fulfillment of the promises listed above, Fortressian citizens relinquish any right to democratic participation in government and accept the state as legitimate. Acceptance of the social contract is voluntary, though assumed by default. Citizens may renounce the social contract, but doing so may result in the loss of any benefits conferred by the state.


The following three articles establish the State Charter as the supreme law of the Pillow Fortress, above any and all future constitutions or other legal instruments. The power to amend the Charter is restricted only to the First Princess.


The State Charter went into effect when its original document was signed by the First Princess.


The State Charter has been amended once, on 35 Moatose 5, to add two additional promises regarding the future development of the Principality, as well as to grant all citizens the right of morphological freedom.