Typical Office Staff

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In addition to any structures relating to their purpose, offices within the Principality generally consist of a shared organizational framework, that of the typical office staff, which assists the office holder in carrying out their tasks as dictated by any superior organization or position within the government. The typical office staff is ubiquitous, perhaps the most of any of the Fortressian organizational frameworks. A notable exception is the Office of the Princess which has its own bespoke organizational structures.


Office Holder

The office holder is the individual who's role is that for which the office has been established, usually either a high skilled job with a wide application or area of responsibility, such as an inspector general, or the leader of an organization or suborganizational unit. The office holder is also the leader of the office.

Vice Office Holder

The vice office holder is an individual with a skillset necessary to carry out the task of the office and who assists the office holder in doing so. In times when the office holder is unavailable, or otherwise unable to complete their tasks, the vice office holder assumes the position and responsibilities of the office holder temporarily, until a new office holder may be appointed.

Office Scheduling and Communications Assistant

The office scheduling and communications assistant coordinates the office's schedules and communicates with other governmental organs as necessary.

Office Research Assistant

The office research assistant provides the office holder and vice office holder with information relating to the office's tasks.