Factions of the Libertine Party

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In order to protect certain special interests within the Libertine Party, its constitution establishes a number of Party factions which function in a manner similar to that of the local Party chapters, but which are not bounded by geographic areas of responsibility, instead being open to all Party members which meet their criteria for membership. The primary act of a Party faction is to represent its members' every six years at the Libertine Congress, ensuring that the Party does not in any way abandon or neglect them and their interests. Individuals can be members of any number of Party faction, so long as they meet the criteria. Currently, there are five recognized Party factions:

Each faction represents a segment of society which has been, historically and to some degree in the present, marginalized. By granting them a privileged position within the mechanisms of state power, the hope is that the worst forms of maltreatment they may have suffered in the past will not be repeated, but instead their presence will force a continued push forward for equality and progress.

Though the Party Secretary may meet the criteria to join one or more factions (she will always be able to join the Women Faction, for example), in order to prevent the perception of any conflict of interest and to remain impartial, she does not. This is not a rule codified into bylaw, but a precedent set by the first Party Secretary.