Local Party Chapter

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Template for the Flag of a Local Party Chapter. In practice the black circle is replaced with the Local Party Chapter's logo or crest.

A Local party chapter (LPC) is a fundamental component of the Libertine Party, being the mechanism by which Party politics are managed and carried out at the local level, with most members of the Party being active through their LPC, rather than the higher level Party organizational structures, such as the State Party, and the Party's independent agencies. Local Party Chapters are organized along administrative divisions called chapteriats, which exist solely as a means of dividing jurisdiction among roughly equal populations. LPCs are under the authority of the Party's Local Party Chapters Branch, which oversees them and may act to correct or change any policy the LPC may enact. In most circumstances, however, local party chapters have a decent amount of autonomy to manage their day-to-day affairs.


X Community Engagement Branch

The X Community Engagement Branch oversees the LPC's community image and organizes activities within their chapteriat as a means of goodwill and outreach.

X Information Branch

The X Information Branch produces media, typically in the form of newsletters, for the members of the LPC.

X Membership Branch

The X Membership Branch maintains the records of LPC membership. Membership in the Party automatically also confers membership in the LPC in which one's residence is located.

X Operations Branch

The X Operations Branch manages the internal functions of the LPC.

X Party Treasury

The X Party Treasury collects additional revenue for the LPC outside of that provided by the Party.

X Youth Branch

The X Youth Branch oversees the chapteriat's wing of the Young Libertines.


X Party Committee

The X Party Committee is the leadership organ of the LPC, responsible for setting policy and selecting the X Party Chair.

Independent Agencies

X Party Historical Society

The X Party Historical Society is a satellite of the Libertine Historical Society which preserves documents and items of historical significance to the LPC.

X Party Tavern and Business Association

The X Party Tavern and Business Association is a satellite of the Libertine Tavern and Business Association which manages relations between the LPC and the Party affiliated businesses located within its chapteriat.


Office of the X Party Chair

The Office of the X Party Chair is the organ through which the LPC is run day-to-day. It is subordinate to the X Party Committee.

Office of the X Party Spox

The Office of the X Party Spox speaks for the LPC in the media.