A Region is the highest level special purpose non-legal administrative division in use by a specific government department, agency, or organization. Typically the sum total of regions recognized by a particular organization will cover the entire geography of the Principality. Different organizations may create their own regions out of the existing state territory, or they may use those regions already established by other organizations should they meet their needs. The reasoning behind the establishment of regions will be different depending on what organization has established them and for what purpose.
Types of Regions
Bio Regions
Bio regions are established by the various organizations of the Department of the Interior and are based on the ecological, biological, and environmental nature of Fortressian geography.
Defense Regions
Defense regions are established by the Department of Defense for the purpose of defending the Pillow Fortress from attack or invasion, typically through the garrisoning of units belonging to Domestic Command.
Generic Operational Regions
Generic operational regions are the default regional standard used by government departments, agencies, and other organizations for the purposes of action within the Principality when such departments, agencies, and other organizations do not use their own unique system of regions.
Judicial Regions
Judicial regions are established by the Xeer for the purpose of organizing inter-provincial courts.
Postal Regions
Postal regions are established and maintained by Pillow Post for the purpose of delivering mail.
Temporal Regions
Temporal regions are the official term for what in other states might be called time zones.