Fortressian Administrative Divisions
For the purpose of efficient and effective governance, the Principality's territory is divided and subdivided into various administrative divisions.
Organized Administrative Divisions
Organized administrative divisions are those that have been fully incorporated into the Pillow Fortress in what is intended to be their final form. Currently there is only one first level organized administrative division, the province, with all others being levels of further subdivision. The organized administrative divisions are:
Unorganized Administrative Divisions
Unorganized administrative divisions are temporary arrangements in place to serve a larger political goal, be it the territory's eventual full incorporation into the Principality as one or more organized administrative divisions, or some other end. The unorganized territorial divisions are:
Special Purpose Non-Legal Administrative Divisions
Special purpose non-legal administrative divisions are administrative divisions created by different government agencies to aid in their organization and operation. As the name suggests, such administrative divisions have no legal authority in and of themselves, and can be created, modified, and disposed of arbitrarily by the agency that uses them. Special purpose non-legal administrative divisions are:
Realms of the Honor Map
The Honor Map is a ceremonial map of the Pillow Fortress which serves as a mechanism for the granting of certain titles of Fortressian Nobility. The administrative divisions added to the map, known as Realms, lack any legal function outside the framework of honors and noble titles. Realms of the Honor Map are:
States and Other Entities in Permanent Union With the Pillow Fortress
The Principality reserves the right to enter into certain treaties with other states and certain non-state entities whereby the Pillow Fortress takes responsibility for their defense and foreign relations while granting them a high degree of internal autonomy. Though they are not territories of the Principality, they are also not independent of it, and so are included here as administrative divisions:
Administrative Divisions of the Libertine Party
The Libertine Party has its own system of administrative divisions it uses for internal organization. As the Party is a non-governmental entity, these are legally very similar to the special purpose non-legal administrative divisions, and are included here for convenience:
Administrative Divisions of the Republic of the Serene Gate
The Republic of the Serene Gate does not use a system of distinct categories of administrative division, such as provinces, colonies, municipalities, etc with their own governing structures as does the Principality. Instead, all Serene territories are administered directly by the central government. When speaking of the Republic's territory in a generic sense, the proper term is "Serene territory".
Administrative Divisions of the Dominion of Corvus
Whether or not the members of the Dominion of Corvus organize themselves into administrative divisions is unknown at this time, as direct communication between them and the Principality remains rudimentary, however the government uses a system of bioregions when studying and interacting with the Dominion.
Eusocian Administrative Divisions
The Temple of Eusocianity uses a system of administrative divisions suited to that organization's task of providing religious services to the Faithful.