0th Politburo

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The 0th Politburo was the Politburo leading the Libertine Party from the Party's establishment in the year 0 until the first Libertine Congress in the year 6 when it was closed and replaced by the 1st Politburo. Facing the challenge of developing the Party's internal structures while the Party itself crafted the Pillow Fortress and its institutions, the 0th Politburo was arguably the single most influential organization in all of Fortressian history.


  • Determining the structure and form of the Libertine Party
  • Drafting the Constitution of the Year I
  • Surviving the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Overseeing the first Libertine Congress
  • Willfully closing itself and transferring its power to the 1st Politburo, thereby setting an example for future politburos