Republic of the Serene Gate

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Republic of the Serene Gate
Serene Gate flag
Serene Gate flag
Motto n/a
Anthem n/a
Official language English
Demonym Serenian
Adjective Serene
Form Client state
Government Serene Gate Government
Founding October 20, 3/2021
Area 758,800 km² (estimate)
Population 0
Currency varies
Calendar Fortressian Calendar, Gregorian calendar
Time zone n/a
Short name Serene Gate
Abbreviation SG

The Republic of the Serene Gate is a client state of the Pillow Fortress. Its internal organization is atypical, as the Republic serves a specific purpose in the diplomacy of the Principality, meaning it engages with other foreign states, something usually forbidden within the standard client state relationship.


The purpose of the Serene Gate is to serve as a more palatable front to those foreign states which may find one or more aspects of the Pillow Fortress unacceptable, thus allowing for the possibility of trade and other economic deals which might otherwise not be agreed upon or may be agreed upon only in reduced form. Ideally such a system would not be necessary, with all states able to come together and cooperate in a spirit of mutual respect and friendship, but as the Principality has various features, political, symbolic, or other, which may be seen as radical or controversial, anything which might streamline the process of international trade is considered necessary to at least maintain in reserve as a precaution should the need arise.


The Republic of the Serene Gate is, like all client states, a sovereign and independent country which has chosen to enter into a permanent, perpetual state of subordination to the Principality, whereby the Pillow Fortress is responsible for its defense and foreign relations, as well as exercising some oversight of internal affairs. How does this standard framework square with the Republic's role in Fortressian diplomacy? Simply put, the Serene Gate is an extremely "bare bones" country, maintaining only those laws and structures as are needed to 1) function as a government, and 2) fulfill its tasks in negotiations as a proxy for the Principality. Everything about the Republic is streamlined for these dual responsibilities, and so while the Republic is a state, it is an atypical state. The Serene Gate does not have a constitution or set of supreme laws, leaving its form free to change as necessary.


The Republic of the Serene Gate recognizes two classes of citizenship. First class citizenship is granted to all those who work for the government of the Serene Gate, their spouses, and their minor and/or dependent children. This class of citizenship is what is to be expected of the citizenship in any other state, it grants its holders any privileges afforded to them by Serene law, provides diplomatic protections under the Republic's aegis, comes with a Serene passport, etc. Where first class citizenship differs is that one only holds it while they are employed by the Serene Gate's government, or while their spouse or parent(s) are employed by the government. Once such employment ends, first class citizenship degrades into second class citizenship, which is essentially ceremonial. It comes with no benefits or protections as did the first class, and mainly serves as a mark to distinguish one having had first class citizenship at some time in the past. There is no birthright to second class citizenship.

All those who hold citizenship in the Serene Gate also hold Fortressian citizenship (assuming they don't renounce their citizenship), and Fortressian citizenship is automatically granted to anyone who would otherwise be granted Serene citizenship but who does not have Fortressian citizenship, although there should be no instances of this happening, it remains policy just in case.


The Republic of the Serene Gate currently maintains only one territory, Mare Munificent, located on Earth's moon.

See also