Temple of Eusocianity

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Temple of Eusocianity
Temple of Eusocianity flag
Temple of Eusocianity flag
Motto "The Goddess Ithophsa Arrives From the Future"
Anthem n/a
Official language n/a
Demonym Faithful
Adjective Eusocian
Form Client non-state entity
Government Grand Synod of Eusocianity
Founding 5
Area Non-territorial
Population 1
Currency n/a
Calendar Fortressian Calendar
Time zone n/a
Short name Temple
Abbreviation TE

The Temple of Eusocianity is a Eusocian religious organization founded by High Priestess Julia Platz-Halter in the year 5. It became a client non-state entity of the Pillow Fortress on 1 Merlonon 6 with the promulgation of the Principality of the Pillow Fortress-Temple of Eusocianity Treaty of Perpetual Friendship and Clienthood.


Administrative Branches

Administrative branches of the Temple follow a similar form to those structures found in the Typical Organization Framework, modified to fit the Temple's circumstances.

Clergy Branch

The Clergy Branch manages affairs relating to the Temple's clergy.

Temple Accounting Branch

The Temple Accounting Branch manages the Temple's financial, real estate, and other assets, including investments.

Temple Asset Management Branch

The Temple Asset Management Branch oversees the Temple's physical and intellectual property.

Temple Communications and Technical Infrastructure Branch

The Temple Communications and Technical Infrastructure Branch maintains the Temple's communication with the Faithful.

Temple Contracting and Procurement Branch

The Temple Contracting and Procurement Branch is responsible for making purchases on behalf of the Temple, as well as hiring from outside the Temple for jobs that could not otherwise be done by the Temple.

Temple Intelligence and Security Branch

The Temple Intelligence and Security Branch maintains the physical security of the Temple, its houses of worship and its clergy, as well as gathers and analyzes intelligence which may be necessary for the Temple to protect itself and make informed decisions.

Temple History Branch

The Temple History Branch catalogues the Temple's history.

Temple Justice Branch

The Temple Justice Branch engages with the legal apparatuses of the countries in which it operates.

Temple Media and Public Relations Branch

The Temple Media and Public Relations Branch produces multimedia for the Temple.


The Inquisition investigates the Temple itself in a manner not unlike inspectors general.

Faithful Service Branches

Charity Branch

The Charity Branch plans, oversees, and implements the Temple's charitable giving and works.

Doctrine Branch

The Doctrine Branch maintains the official doctrine of Eusocianity.

Monkish Society Branch

The Monkish Society Branch oversees the Temple's various monkish societies.

Outreach and Evangelization Branch

The Outreach and Evangelization Branch engages in missionary and apologetic work to grow the number of Faithful.

Faithful Branch

The Faithful Branch provides services to the Faithful.

Eusocian Education Branch

The Eusocian Education Branch sets the curricula and standards for all lay educational institutes operated by the Temple.

Daughter Temples Branch

The Daughter Temples Branch oversees the subordinate Eusocian temples located outside the Principality.


Grand Synod of Eusocianity

The Grand Synod of Eusocianity leads the Temple.


Temple Tribunals

Temple Tribunals try alleged breaches of the Temple's codes of conduct by clergy and lay employees.

Lay organizations

Eusocian Life Foundation

The Eusocian Life Foundation lobbies the Fortressian government to protect the rights of the Temple and the Faithful as stipulated in the treaty of friendship and clienthood.

Eusocian Volunteer Corps

The Eusocian Volunteer Corps engages in volunteer work throughout society in the Temple's name.


Temple and Shrine Network

The Temple and Shrine Network consists of the Temple's places of worship.


Office of the High Priestess

The Office of the High Priestess is the organ through which the Temple is run day-to-day.

Office of the Temple Spox

The Office of the Temple Spox engages with the media and public on behalf of the Temple.


Temple Archive Service

The Temple Archive Service maintains the Temple's records.

Temple Printing Service

The Temple Printing Service does any printing that the Temple may need.