Organizational Frameworks

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An organizational framework is any of a generic, repeating support structure found across multiple of the same kind of Fortressian government organ. They serve as foundations for carrying out logistical and other vital functions upon which the organ's specialized features and operational components are then grafted. In the staff versus line dichotomy they are mostly staff, though some may include line elements depending on form.

Typical Field Operation Agency Framework

The Typical Field Operation Agency Framework is employed by the orders of the Platinum Band, and consists of those organizations which serve their respective orders in non-combat, non-mission/non-operational capacities.

Typical Guild Framework

The Typical Guild Framework is employed by the guilds of the Council of Labor, and consists of those internal structures necessary for the guilds to function as quasi-independent entities.

Typical Local Peacekeeper Framework

The Typical Local Peacekeeper Framework is employed by the Peacekeepers as the method of organizing along local and operational lines.

Typical Network Node

A Typical Network Node consists of those components necessary to maintain a node, that is, a semi-autonomous location operated by a government organization, within a network, that is, the totality of all semi-autonomous like locations operated by a government organization.

Typical Office Staff

A Typical Office Staff consists of the office holder and those support positions which assist them.

Typical Organization Framework

The Typical Organization Framework consists of a suite of structures which maintain the independent operation of the organization itself.

Typical SOSO Business Framework

The Typical SOSO Business Framework represents a state owned state operated business at the moment of its founding, before need and circumstances cause it to change and adapt to the market.

Typical University of the Pillow Fortress Satellite Campus

The Typical University of the Pillow Fortress Satellite Campus consists of those academic departments and structures shared across the various local campuses of the University of the Pillow Fortress.