World Association of Libertine Party Organizations

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World Association of Libertine Party Organizations
WALPO flag
WALPO flag
Motto n/a
Responsibility Inter-Party assistance and cooperation
Form Political international
Estate Fifth Estate
Subordinate to n/a
Established May 5, 2/2020
Status Deactivated
Abbreviation WALPO

The World Association of Libertine Party Organizations (WALPO) is the political international of and for political parties following or having policies amenable to those of the Libertine Party. WALPO offers a variety of services to strengthen cooperation and understanding between parties and their members.

Independent Agencies

General Agencies

Libertine Forum International

Libertine Forum International is analogous in function to the Libertine Policy Forum, but on a larger scale, serving to exchange ideas and information between parties through panel discussions, debates, workshops, etc.

Libertine Legislative Exchange Organization

The Libertine Legislative Exchange Organization drafts model legislation which parties may then customize to fit their country of origin's unique circumstances.

Interest Leagues

Libertine Academic League

The Libertine Academic League is an umbrella organization of the various student and teacher unions affiliated with member libertine parties.

Libertine Professionals League

The Libertine Professionals League is an umbrella organization of the various professional associations affiliated with member libertine parties.

Libertine Sports League

The Libertine Sports League is an umbrella organization of the various amateur sports leagues and associations affiliated with member libertine parties.

Libertine Youth League

The Libertine Youth League is an umbrella organization of the various youth organizations affiliated with a libertine parties.


Libertine Parties Convention

The Libertine Parties Convention is a congress held every ten years with delegates from all member libertine parties. This event is largely ceremonial, serving a morale and solidarity capacity rather than any leadership or governance role.

WALPO Steering Committee

The WALPO Steering Committee manages the day-to-day operation of the organization, with membership consisting of representatives from a selection of libertine parties.


Currently, the membership of the WALPO consists of the following parties:


Potential Member Fact Finding Taskforces

Potential Member Fact Finding Taskforces are ad hoc groups assembled to investigate the qualifications of libertine parties which have applied for membership in the WALPO. These findings are presented to the WALPO Steering Committee for consideration, with a final, ceremonial approval to be granted by a member vote at the Libertine Parties Convention.