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The '''Libertine Party''' (the Party) is the sole legal political party of the Principality, defined as such by the [[Constitution]]. All government appointees, civil servants with policy making power, and most elected officials must be members of the Party. Although it has a monopoly on political power, the Party is technically a non-governmental organization, meaning that it is not funded by tax or other government revenue, but rather by membership dues, certain business ventures, investments, and donations. The [[Princess]] is the head of the Party, being its Secretary.
{{Libertine Infobox
|org='''Libertine Party of the Pillow Fortress'''
|responsibility=Staffing the civil service, maintaining the Principality's values
|form=Political party
|establishment=February 26, 0/2018
|motto="''For Princess, State, and Pillowan''"}}
The '''Libertine Party of the Pillow Fortress''' (Libertine Party, or the Party) is the sole legal political party of the Principality, defined as such by the [[Constitution]]. All government appointees, civil servants with policy making power, and most elected officials must be members of the Party. Although it has a monopoly on political power, the Party is technically a non-governmental organization, meaning that it is not funded by tax or other government revenue, but rather by membership dues, certain business ventures, investments, and donations. The [[Princess]] is the head of the Party, being its Secretary.

[[Category:Libertine Party]]
[[Category:Libertine Party]]
[[Category:Non-Governmental Organizations]]
[[Category:Political Parties]]

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==Purpose and Ideology==
==Purpose and Ideology==

The purpose of the Party is to educate, train, and select the Principality's leadership. Advancement in the government bureaucracy requires advancement within the Party, and advancement within the Party is attained through a combination of competency and the internalization of the core values of the Pillow Fortress, which are to be reproduced and replicated throughout society by means of law and policy.
The purpose of the Party is to educate, train, select, and empower the Principality's leadership. Advancement in the government bureaucracy requires advancement within the Party, and advancement within the Party is attained through a combination of competency and the internalization of the core values of the Pillow Fortress, which are to be reproduced and replicated throughout society by means of law and policy. The Party's institutional dedication to the [[Fortressian Telos]] is the rationale behind its status as the sole legal political party.

There is no name for the ideology of the Party, as it is an eclectic mix of ideas and concepts taken from across the political spectrum, though it is ultimately left wing. At its core is the acceptance of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Materialism Materialism], and more specifically [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_materialism Historical Materialism] as presented by Marx, that is, that historical developments are the result of changes in the relationship between mankind and the means of production, as well as the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labor_theory_of_value Labor Theory of Value]. Despite these Marxist features, the Party disclaims [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proletarian_internationalism Proletarian Internationalism], revolution, and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism Communism] both as a political program and as a desirable system for the end of history.
There is no name for the ideology of the Party, as it is an eclectic mix of ideas and concepts taken from across the political spectrum, though it is ultimately left wing. At its core is the acceptance of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Materialism Materialism], and more specifically [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_materialism Historical Materialism] as presented by Karl Marx, that is, that historical developments are the result of changes in the relationship between mankind and the means of production, as well as accepting the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labor_theory_of_value Labor Theory of Value]. Despite these Marxist features, the Party disclaims [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proletarian_internationalism Proletarian Internationalism], revolution, and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism Communism] both as a political program and as a desirable system for the end of history. The Party is, of course, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchism monarchist], but a kind of modern, non-traditionalist monarchism which does not base its legitimacy on such things as the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_right_of_kings Divine Right of Kings] or the unbroken line of succession from some other, pre-existing monarchical dynasty. The Fortressian monarchy is viewed in a technocratic sense, as a means of maintaining the long term stability and direction of the government.

The Party is, of course, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchism monarchist], but this is a kind of modern, non-traditionalist monarchism which does not base its legitimacy on such things as the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_right_of_kings Divine Right of Kings] or the unbroken line of succession from some other pre-existing monarchical dynasty.
Membership in the Libertine Party is open to all Pillowans age 18 and over who are ideologically aligned with the goals of the Party.
Members employed full time in the administration of the Party receive one of three possible salaries depending on a combination of position and seniority. Monetary compensation is intentionally much less than what might be obtained in the public sector for similar work in order to discourage opportunists and careerists from joining, while selecting for those who believe in the Party's values to a high enough degree that they are willing to forego greater material wealth. Members employed in the civil service, appointed to government position, or elected to the [[Directory]] do not receive a Party salary. The Party Secretary voluntarily refuses the salary she is entitled to.
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="3" |Party salaries
| style="width: 30%;" |Partmaximum
|Equal to 2x Partmedian.
|Equal to halfway between Partminimum and Partmaximum.
|Equal to 2.5x the Fortressian minimum wage.
|Equal to zero. This tier is used in accounting for Party volunteers.


===Commissar Branch===
===Commissar Branch===
The [[Commissar Branch]] recruits, trains, and embeds political commissars into the Principality's militaries to ensure loyalty. Commissars are not technically members of the armed forces and hold no rank, however they have command authority equal to that of the commanding officer of the unit to which they are assigned.
===Foreign Party Coordination Branch===
===Foreign Party Coordination Branch===
The [[Foreign Party Coordination Branch]] participates in joint projects of the Libertine Party and political parties of foreign states which share ideological and political goals in common with it. Typically this takes the form of participation in the [[World Association of Libertine Party Organizations]].
===Local Party Chapters Branch===
===Local Party Chapters Branch===
The [[Local Party Chapters Branch]] provides oversight to the individual Party chapters which operate at the local level as semi-autonomous organizations.
===Party Businesses Oversight Branch===
===Party Businesses Oversight Branch===
The [[Party Businesses Oversight Branch]] provides oversight to the Party's many independent businesses.
===Party Discipline Branch===
The [[Party Discipline Branch]] maintains the good conduct of the Party.
===Party Information Branch===
===Party Information Branch===
The [[Party Information Branch]] produces informative content about the Party, its purpose, and its function.
===Party Intelligence===
===Party Intelligence===
[[Party Intelligence]] maintains the security of the Party against internal and external threats. Unlike the other members of the [[Pillow Fortress Intelligence Community]], of which it is an unofficial member, as a non-governmental agency it has no special legal dispensations, and so is constrained to act in accordance with the law as any other independent, non-governmental agency would. This has the effect of turning Party Intelligence into the Principality's de facto [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-source_intelligence OSINT] organization.
===Party Membership Branch===
===Party Membership Branch===
The [[Party Membership Branch]] vets potential members and maintains the registries of current, former, and expelled members, as well as those who have been banned from ever being members.
===Party Morale Branch===
===Party Morale Branch===
The [[Party Morale Branch]] maintains a high morale among Party members through a variety of community and organizational based activities.
===Party Organization Branch===
===Party Organization Branch===
The [[Party Organization Branch]] staffs non-appointed positions within the Party.
===Party Outreach Branch===
===Party Outreach Branch===
The [[Party Outreach Branch]] partners with local non-governmental non-Party organizations to improve the Principality.
===Party Security Branch===
===Party Security Branch===
The [[Party Security Branch]] provides security for high level Party members and Party buildings.
===Party Treasury===
===Party Treasury===
The [[Party Treasury]] is the accounting branch of the Party.


===Pillowans Abroad Libertine Party Chapter===
Chapters are semi-autonomous organizations which operate with devolved powers at the sub-provincial level to more directly provide party services to individual members as well as the community. The geographic unit which bounds the area of responsibility of one chapter from another is the [[Chapteriat]]. For more on the internal organization of local party chapters, see [[Local Party Chapter]]. The list of currently extant local party chapters and their associated chapteriat are as follows:
* [[Pillowans Abroad Chapter]], [[Most Everywhere Chapteriat]]


===Libertine Congress===
===Libertine Congress===
The [[Libertine Congress]] takes place every six years and consists of delegates from all the Party chapters as well as certain approved Party factions which appoint members to the different leadership positions to serve until the next congress.
The [[Politburo]] is the executive committee of the Party, consisting of the Princess as the Party Secretary, a Deputy Secretary, and the heads of the Party branches.<gallery>
File:Flag of the Libertine Party - Party Secretary.png|Flag of the Party Secretary
File:Flag of the Libertine Party - Deputy Party Secretary.png|Flag of the Deputy Party Secretary
File:Flag of the Libertine Party - Politburo Member.png|Flag of Politburo membership
:: ''See [[Factions of the Libertine Party]]''

==Independent Agencies==
==Independent Agencies==

===Libertine Academy===
===Libertine Bar Association===
===Libertine Bar Association===
The [[Libertine Bar Association]] is a professional society for members who are also lawyers and other legal professionals.
===Libertine Historical Society===
===Libertine Historical Society===
The [[Libertine Historical Society]] collects, maintains, and displays various artifacts of historical significance to the Party, as well as researches the Party's history and produces educational media.
===Libertine Policy Forum===
===Libertine Policy Forum===
The [[Libertine Policy Forum]] organizes intra-Party roundtable discussions, panels, and debates on a variety of topics relating to politics, culture, law, policy, and history.
===Libertine Social Club===
===Libertine Social Club===
The [[Libertine Social Club]] is a club for elderly members which keeps them active and engaged in their communities and in politics.
===Libertine Sporting Club===
===Libertine Sporting Club===
The [[Libertine Sporting Club]] organizes amateur sporting events and leagues for Party members.
===Libertine Students Association===
===Libertine Students Association===
The [[Libertine Students Association]] is the student wing of the Party, serving the needs of Party members who are university students, and engaging in different activities on campus, such as outreach, social gatherings, political rallies, and protests.
===Libertine Tavern and Business Association===
===Libertine Tavern and Business Association===
The [[Libertine Tavern and Business Association]] is a professional society of businesses owned and operated predominately by Party members and affiliated with the Party. Affiliation may bring certain perks and advantages, for example, a tavern may be selected as the meeting place of a local [[Organizational structure of the Libertine Party|riding]] or a local manufacturer may receive right of first refusal on certain Chapter-level contracts.
===Libertine Volunteer Agency===
===Libertine Volunteer Agency===
===Libertine Youth Academy===
The [[Libertine Volunteer Agency]] connects Party members to charitable and volunteer programs within their communities, as well as organizing its own efforts.
===Libertine Women===
===Libertine Women===
[[Libertine Women]] is the women's wing of the Party, serving the needs of women members, and functioning not unlike a social club, organizing events, debates, volunteer work, rallies, etc.
===Libertines Abroad===
===Libertines Abroad===
[[Libertines Abroad]] provides news and information to Party members living outside the territory of the Pillow Fortress. Its activities are more general than those of the Pillowans Abroad Chapter.
===Organization of Fellow Travelers===
The [[Organization of Fellow Travelers]] provides information, services, and volunteer opportunities to those individuals who are sympathetic to the Party, its politics, and its goals but who themselves are not members for whatever reason.
===Young Libertines===
===Young Libertines===
The [[Young Libertines]] is the youth wing of the Party. It serves to educate future generations about the Party as well as prepare the most dedicated for Party administration. Membership in the Young Libertines is open to the children of party members and those children who have been sponsored by a Party member.

==Independent Businesses==
==Independent Businesses==

===Libertine AV===
===Libertine AV===
[[Libertine AV]] provides special effects, editing, recording, and distribution services to the Party, its chapters, and its organizations.
===Libertine Press===
===Libertine Press===
The [[Libertine Press]] publishes the official newspaper of the Party, as well as the Party's scholarly journal.
===Libertine Quartermaster===
===Libertine Quartermaster===
The [[Libertine Quartermaster]] oversees the acquisition of Party branded merchandise and items, either manufacturing them itself or subcontracting.


===Office of the Deputy Party Secretary===
===Office of the Deputy Party Secretary===
The [[Office of the Deputy Party Secretary]] is the main organ through which the deputy Party secretary leads the Party day-to-day.
===Office of the Libertine Party Counsel===
===Office of the Libertine Party Counsel===
The [[Office of the Libertine Party Counsel]] provides legal services on behalf of the Party.
===Office of the Libertine Party Spox===
===Office of the Libertine Party Spox===
The [[Office of the Libertine Party Spox]] speaks to the public and the media on behalf of the Party.
===Office of the Party Secretary===
===Office of the Party Secretary===
The [[Office of the Party Secretary]] is the main organ through which the Party Secretary leads the Party day-to-day. Since the Party secretary is always the reigning Princess, she likely will be too busy to directly lead the Party, instead delegating that power to the deputy Party secretary. However, the power she holds is real, and she can assume command at any time. Her office remains fully staffed and capable for this possibility.
===Libertine Academy===
The [[Libertine Academy]] is the Party's wholly owned liberal arts university. Its purpose is to train the leadership of the Party, and its curricula reflect this, focusing on political education, administration, philosophy, and law.
===Libertine Youth Academy===
The [[Libertine Youth Academy]] is a private high school open to the children of Party members subject to certain academic qualifications as well as requiring sponsorship from at least one member of the Politburo.


===Libertine Design Service===
===Libertine Design Service===
The [[Libertine Design Service]] is the Party's in-house graphic design firm, providing services exclusively to the Party, its chapters, and its organizations.
===Party Statistics Service===
===Party Statistics Service===
The [[Party Statistics Service]] collects data about the different aspects of the Party.
==See Also==
* [[Constitution and Bylaws of the Libertine Party]]
* [[Organizational structure of the Libertine Party]]
* [[Symbols of the Libertine Party]]

Latest revision as of 05:53, 8 October 2024

Libertine Party of the Pillow Fortress
Libertine Party flag
Libertine Party flag
Motto "For Princess, State, and Pillowan"
Responsibility Staffing the civil service, maintaining the Principality's values
Form Political party
Estate Fifth Estate
Subordinate to n/a
Established February 26, 0/2018
Status Activated
Abbreviation LP

The Libertine Party of the Pillow Fortress (Libertine Party, or the Party) is the sole legal political party of the Principality, defined as such by the Constitution. All government appointees, civil servants with policy making power, and most elected officials must be members of the Party. Although it has a monopoly on political power, the Party is technically a non-governmental organization, meaning that it is not funded by tax or other government revenue, but rather by membership dues, certain business ventures, investments, and donations. The Princess is the head of the Party, being its Secretary.


In an ideal world, the Libertine Party would have been named the Libertarian Party, a more direct derivation from the word "liberty" owing to the Party's ideals of individual freedom, however "libertarian" already has multiple, sometimes conflicting, definitions with regards to politics, and attempting to add another would only confuse. "Libertine", while also a preexisting word, is far less common and lacks much if not all political baggage while sounding close enough to the word "liberty" to make its point. Derivations of different words which mean similar things, such as "freedom" were deemed clumsy and dissonant.

Purpose and Ideology

The purpose of the Party is to educate, train, select, and empower the Principality's leadership. Advancement in the government bureaucracy requires advancement within the Party, and advancement within the Party is attained through a combination of competency and the internalization of the core values of the Pillow Fortress, which are to be reproduced and replicated throughout society by means of law and policy. The Party's institutional dedication to the Fortressian Telos is the rationale behind its status as the sole legal political party.

There is no name for the ideology of the Party, as it is an eclectic mix of ideas and concepts taken from across the political spectrum, though it is ultimately left wing. At its core is the acceptance of Materialism, and more specifically Historical Materialism as presented by Karl Marx, that is, that historical developments are the result of changes in the relationship between mankind and the means of production, as well as accepting the Labor Theory of Value. Despite these Marxist features, the Party disclaims Proletarian Internationalism, revolution, and Communism both as a political program and as a desirable system for the end of history. The Party is, of course, monarchist, but a kind of modern, non-traditionalist monarchism which does not base its legitimacy on such things as the Divine Right of Kings or the unbroken line of succession from some other, pre-existing monarchical dynasty. The Fortressian monarchy is viewed in a technocratic sense, as a means of maintaining the long term stability and direction of the government.


Membership in the Libertine Party is open to all Pillowans age 18 and over who are ideologically aligned with the goals of the Party.


Members employed full time in the administration of the Party receive one of three possible salaries depending on a combination of position and seniority. Monetary compensation is intentionally much less than what might be obtained in the public sector for similar work in order to discourage opportunists and careerists from joining, while selecting for those who believe in the Party's values to a high enough degree that they are willing to forego greater material wealth. Members employed in the civil service, appointed to government position, or elected to the Directory do not receive a Party salary. The Party Secretary voluntarily refuses the salary she is entitled to.

Party salaries
Tier Amount
Partmaximum Equal to 2x Partmedian.
Partmedian Equal to halfway between Partminimum and Partmaximum.
Partminimum Equal to 2.5x the Fortressian minimum wage.
Partmoot Equal to zero. This tier is used in accounting for Party volunteers.


Commissar Branch

The Commissar Branch recruits, trains, and embeds political commissars into the Principality's militaries to ensure loyalty. Commissars are not technically members of the armed forces and hold no rank, however they have command authority equal to that of the commanding officer of the unit to which they are assigned.

Foreign Party Coordination Branch

The Foreign Party Coordination Branch participates in joint projects of the Libertine Party and political parties of foreign states which share ideological and political goals in common with it. Typically this takes the form of participation in the World Association of Libertine Party Organizations.

Local Party Chapters Branch

The Local Party Chapters Branch provides oversight to the individual Party chapters which operate at the local level as semi-autonomous organizations.

Party Businesses Oversight Branch

The Party Businesses Oversight Branch provides oversight to the Party's many independent businesses.

Party Discipline Branch

The Party Discipline Branch maintains the good conduct of the Party.

Party Information Branch

The Party Information Branch produces informative content about the Party, its purpose, and its function.

Party Intelligence

Party Intelligence maintains the security of the Party against internal and external threats. Unlike the other members of the Pillow Fortress Intelligence Community, of which it is an unofficial member, as a non-governmental agency it has no special legal dispensations, and so is constrained to act in accordance with the law as any other independent, non-governmental agency would. This has the effect of turning Party Intelligence into the Principality's de facto OSINT organization.

Party Membership Branch

The Party Membership Branch vets potential members and maintains the registries of current, former, and expelled members, as well as those who have been banned from ever being members.

Party Morale Branch

The Party Morale Branch maintains a high morale among Party members through a variety of community and organizational based activities.

Party Organization Branch

The Party Organization Branch staffs non-appointed positions within the Party.

Party Outreach Branch

The Party Outreach Branch partners with local non-governmental non-Party organizations to improve the Principality.

Party Security Branch

The Party Security Branch provides security for high level Party members and Party buildings.

Party Treasury

The Party Treasury is the accounting branch of the Party.


Chapters are semi-autonomous organizations which operate with devolved powers at the sub-provincial level to more directly provide party services to individual members as well as the community. The geographic unit which bounds the area of responsibility of one chapter from another is the Chapteriat. For more on the internal organization of local party chapters, see Local Party Chapter. The list of currently extant local party chapters and their associated chapteriat are as follows:


Libertine Congress

The Libertine Congress takes place every six years and consists of delegates from all the Party chapters as well as certain approved Party factions which appoint members to the different leadership positions to serve until the next congress.


The Politburo is the executive committee of the Party, consisting of the Princess as the Party Secretary, a Deputy Secretary, and the heads of the Party branches.


See Factions of the Libertine Party

Independent Agencies

Libertine Bar Association

The Libertine Bar Association is a professional society for members who are also lawyers and other legal professionals.

Libertine Historical Society

The Libertine Historical Society collects, maintains, and displays various artifacts of historical significance to the Party, as well as researches the Party's history and produces educational media.

Libertine Policy Forum

The Libertine Policy Forum organizes intra-Party roundtable discussions, panels, and debates on a variety of topics relating to politics, culture, law, policy, and history.

Libertine Social Club

The Libertine Social Club is a club for elderly members which keeps them active and engaged in their communities and in politics.

Libertine Sporting Club

The Libertine Sporting Club organizes amateur sporting events and leagues for Party members.

Libertine Students Association

The Libertine Students Association is the student wing of the Party, serving the needs of Party members who are university students, and engaging in different activities on campus, such as outreach, social gatherings, political rallies, and protests.

Libertine Tavern and Business Association

The Libertine Tavern and Business Association is a professional society of businesses owned and operated predominately by Party members and affiliated with the Party. Affiliation may bring certain perks and advantages, for example, a tavern may be selected as the meeting place of a local riding or a local manufacturer may receive right of first refusal on certain Chapter-level contracts.

Libertine Volunteer Agency

The Libertine Volunteer Agency connects Party members to charitable and volunteer programs within their communities, as well as organizing its own efforts.

Libertine Women

Libertine Women is the women's wing of the Party, serving the needs of women members, and functioning not unlike a social club, organizing events, debates, volunteer work, rallies, etc.

Libertines Abroad

Libertines Abroad provides news and information to Party members living outside the territory of the Pillow Fortress. Its activities are more general than those of the Pillowans Abroad Chapter.

Organization of Fellow Travelers

The Organization of Fellow Travelers provides information, services, and volunteer opportunities to those individuals who are sympathetic to the Party, its politics, and its goals but who themselves are not members for whatever reason.

Young Libertines

The Young Libertines is the youth wing of the Party. It serves to educate future generations about the Party as well as prepare the most dedicated for Party administration. Membership in the Young Libertines is open to the children of party members and those children who have been sponsored by a Party member.

Independent Businesses

Libertine AV

Libertine AV provides special effects, editing, recording, and distribution services to the Party, its chapters, and its organizations.

Libertine Press

The Libertine Press publishes the official newspaper of the Party, as well as the Party's scholarly journal.

Libertine Quartermaster

The Libertine Quartermaster oversees the acquisition of Party branded merchandise and items, either manufacturing them itself or subcontracting.


Office of the Deputy Party Secretary

The Office of the Deputy Party Secretary is the main organ through which the deputy Party secretary leads the Party day-to-day.

Office of the Libertine Party Counsel

The Office of the Libertine Party Counsel provides legal services on behalf of the Party.

Office of the Libertine Party Spox

The Office of the Libertine Party Spox speaks to the public and the media on behalf of the Party.

Office of the Party Secretary

The Office of the Party Secretary is the main organ through which the Party Secretary leads the Party day-to-day. Since the Party secretary is always the reigning Princess, she likely will be too busy to directly lead the Party, instead delegating that power to the deputy Party secretary. However, the power she holds is real, and she can assume command at any time. Her office remains fully staffed and capable for this possibility.


Libertine Academy

The Libertine Academy is the Party's wholly owned liberal arts university. Its purpose is to train the leadership of the Party, and its curricula reflect this, focusing on political education, administration, philosophy, and law.

Libertine Youth Academy

The Libertine Youth Academy is a private high school open to the children of Party members subject to certain academic qualifications as well as requiring sponsorship from at least one member of the Politburo.


Libertine Design Service

The Libertine Design Service is the Party's in-house graphic design firm, providing services exclusively to the Party, its chapters, and its organizations.

Party Statistics Service

The Party Statistics Service collects data about the different aspects of the Party.

See Also